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Your gift matters

The Department of Biology at Stanford University is dedicated to advancing our knowledge of modern Biology, through research and teaching. A gift to our department can support many aspects of our educational mission, such as grants for undergraduate research, graduate student fellowships, course development and enhancement, and commencement awards.

To submit an online gift

To make a secured credit card payment, please click the make a gift button. If you wish to designate a specific use for your gift, please enter the instructions in the "Special Instructions/Other Designation" box:  Gifts can also be designated for one of the following special Biology funds:


  • Bob Simoni Memorial Graduate Fellowship Fund
  • Charles Yanofsky Graduate Fellowship Fund
  • Robert Schimke Graduate Fellowship Fund
  • Undergraduate Research Fund

To send a check

Please mail a check payable to Stanford University and enclose specific instructions for the gift:

Development Services
P.O. Box 20466
Stanford, CA  94309-0466

Your generosity is very much appreciated!