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Directed Reading

Directed Reading is a great way for students to learn the literature of a specific field for general interest, or as a prelude to beginning a potential research project.

BIO 198 is intended for students who are working with a Biology faculty member, and BIO 198X is intended for Biology majors working with someone outside of Biology.

Types of Directed Reading

In-Department Directed Reading (BIO 198)

BIO 198 is available for any student wishing to do a Directed Reading with a Biology Department faculty member. This course entails journal reading and discussion and may also involve participation in a laboratory research seminar along with library research. The grading policy for BIO 198 is satisfactory/no credit. Where applicable, BIO 198 units may be used toward Biology elective requirements, but cannot be applied towards a departmental Honors project. No petition is required to enroll in BIO 198, and students in any major are welcome to enroll provided they have permission from the faculty member.

Out-of Department Directed Reading (BIO 198X)

BIO 198X is available to declared Biology majors wishing to do a Directed Reading with a faculty member outside the Biology Department. This course entails journal reading and discussion and may also involve participation in a laboratory research seminar along with library research. The grading policy for BIO 198X is satisfactory/no credit. Where applicable BIO 198X units may be used toward Biology elective requirements, but cannot be applied towards a departmental Honors project. Biology majors interested in enrolling in BIO 198X must submit a petition.

BIO 198X Instructions

BIO 198X Petition

To petition for BIO 198X credit, students must submit the following items to Gilbert 118 or send them electronically as one PDF to Patricia Ayala Macias (ayalamac [at] (subject: BIO%20198X%20Petition) (ayalamac[at]stanford[dot]edu)):

Petition Form

Complete the fillable Petition form

Attach Your Project Description
This should be 1-2 pages in length, double spaced with the following items included:
  • Description of the research done in your faculty sponsor's lab

  • Brief explanation of what you hope to learn through the experience

  • List of the research articles you plan to read and discuss, and with whom you will be doing the reading

  • Review the sponsor information sheet with your sponsor

Deadlines for BIO 198X Petitions

Autumn 2023 – September 26, 2023, 3:00pm
Winter 2024 – January 20, 2024, 3:00pm
Spring 2024 – April 7, 2024, 3:00pm