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BSURP Program Frequently Asked Questions

I am not a Stanford student; can I still apply to the BSURP program?

The BSURP program is internally funded by Stanford and is intended for Stanford undergraduate students only. If you are not a Stanford student, please refer to Stanford's Office of Science Outreach for research opportunities.

What is the time commitment for BSURP?

The Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (BSURP) is a full-time ten-week commitment from June 23rd to August 29th, 2024.  As a BSURP participant, you are committed to working a maximum of 40 hours per week for 10 weeks over Summer Quarter.

The final presentation/poster symposium will take place in week 10 and participation and attendance are required. 

Please note: BSURP interns are not permitted to engage in another full-time internship, job, or volunteer opportunity (whether funded by Stanford or otherwise).

Do I get paid as a BSURP participant?

Yes! All participants will receive $8,000 for their full-time research, with a need-based supplement (of up to $1500) for eligible students. The Financial Aid department determines if a student qualifies for a need-based supplement.

Where will I live for the Summer? How does the housing payment work?

All BSURP interns are required to secure their own housing for the summer. As a program affiliate, you will have the option of enrolling in on-campus summer housing. You are welcome to organize your own housing while participating in the program; however, we strongly recommend that you enroll in the on‐campus housing option. 

To apply for summer housing, submit an application for summer housing with the Housing Assignment Services Office. Please consult the housing office for more information regarding summer housing deadlines.

I am still a first-year student (Freshman standing). Am I eligible to participate in the BSURP program?

Yes, as a first‐year student you are eligible to apply for a BSURP internship. You may find that many of the BSURP projects are aimed at freshman and sophomores. We encourage you to apply!

I am a coterm student. Am I eligible to participate in the BSURP program?

Yes, co-term students who have not conferred their undergraduate degree at the end of the Spring Quarter and who are still paying undergraduate (not graduate) tuition are eligible to apply to the BSURP program.

What if I am undeclared or pursuing another major? Can I still apply?

Yes, all Stanford undergraduate students are eligible to apply to the BSURP program.

I have previously participated in BSURP. Can I apply again?

No, former BSURP participants are encouraged to apply to other funding sources (BIO-X, Major grant, other fellowships).

What is the typical workload as a BSURP participant and what is expected of me?

As a BSURP participant, you are committed to working a maximum of 40 hours per week for 10 weeks over Summer Quarter. 

Accepting A BSURP position implies that you agree to be available for the entire ten‐week program. You should consult with your faculty advisor regarding your specific work schedule and work schedule flexibility.

Please note: BSURP interns are not permitted to engage in another full-time internship, job, or volunteer opportunity (whether funded by Stanford or otherwise).

I am waiting to hear about a job offer. Can I join BSURP later after hearing the results of this offer?

If you are offered a BSURP position, you may request a short extension. If you need an extension, please get approval from your mentor or advisor and the BSURP Coordinator. 

Extensions will be granted to students who have legitimate concerns only, i.e., impending job offers. Please note that the University has a deadline for when student names must be submitted for summer work, these deadlines cannot be extended. Once you accept a BSURP position, we expect you to fully participate in the program for the entire 10 weeks.

What is the process of applying for the BSURP program? What is the selection process?

Biology professors submit projects for students to choose from. Students may select their top 1-3 project choices in order of preference. 

All applications must be submitted by the application deadline, no exceptions can be made. 

Unfortunately, after the students submit their application, they will not be allowed to change their project preferences. Professors are notified of the students who chose their project(s) and then review their application and submit their candidate list to the Students Services Officer. Some faculty may decide to have a waitlist of applicants.

Selected students will receive offer letters with the next steps. Students will have 1‐2 weeks to decide whether to accept or decline an internship.

Will students that have not been offered an internship be notified?

Yes, all applicants will be contacted whether they receive an offer letter or not. 

Are there opportunities to expand my involvement beyond the BSURP program?

Quite possibly, you should speak with your mentor/advisor. Many students also choose to continue their projects into the academic year.

Will I be charged any taxes on my BSURP stipend? How do I figure this out?

The Biology department is not in a position to answer questions about how/if student grants might affect taxes, however, no deductions are taken out of your stipend. Students who receive stipends should consult with Student Financial Services and the IRS about scholarships and grants which are received.

As a BSURP intern, are there any restrictions during the summer?

Yes, restrictions:

  1. Students must not register for more than 5 units of coursework during their program participation.
  2. Students must not work more than 10 hours per week outside of their research project duties.
  3. Students must meet the eligibility requirements outlined on the VPUE website.
  4. Students are responsible for securing their own housing for the summer. If they do not choose to enroll in on-campus summer housing, they will need to make their own housing arrangements.
  5. Failure to complete the BSURP summer research commitment may result in the removal of the program and/or the stipend being reversed or partially reversed. 
What other research opportunities/funding are available to me?

RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES/FUNDING for Stanford students only.

Other research opportunities can be found on the Office of Science Outreach Undergraduate Research and Independent Project, Hopkins Marine Station, DoR Funding ResourcesSESUROn & Off Campus (SOLO), Rising Bird FellowsStanford Handshake websites, Summer Equity Grant (for FLI students only) and SOLO website

For funding to support a self-initiated, or original scholarly project, please visit the research grant offered by the VPUE.

Still Have Questions?

Please direct any additional questions concerning the BSURP Program, including the application process, to Patricia Ayala Macias ayalamac [at] (ayalamac@).