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Program Information

Coterm Information Packet 2021-2022
Information for coterminal students matriculating Autumn 2015 and thereafter

MS Handbook
Comprehensive guide to the MS program

Approved Out-of-Department Electives
List of non-BIO courses that can be used toward the MS degree

Stanford Graduate Academic Policies & Procedures
Comprehensive guide about graduate studies at Stanford

General Forms

Program Proposal
Outline of course plan for MS degree - must be submitted to Student Services by the third week of first quarter and each quarter thereafter if there are changes. For autumn quarter, the program proposal is due on October 6, 2023. 

General Petition
Form to request a substitution, exemption or other exception to the MS degree requirements

Course Transfer Form 
Form to request  the transfer of Stanford courses between the undergraduate and graduate careers

BIO 300X Petition 
Form to apply for research credit with a non-biology faculty member

MS Degree Checklist
Form to assist student with formulation of Program Proposal