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Program Overview

The Coterminal Master's program is suitable for a wide range of students including those who would like to:

  • further develop research from their undergraduate career or are interested in beginning research
  • pursue graduate-level courses in a specific sub-discipline of Biology
  • design a set of courses to prepare for a specific career path

The Coterminal Master's program is only available to currently matriculated Stanford students, including undergraduates from any major or graduate students in other departments who want to add an M.S. degree in Biology. Students who come from undergraduate majors other than Biology may need to take additional foundational coursework in addition to the M.S. program requirements. This includes courses in Biology, Chemistry, Math, Statistics, and Physics.

The program requires a minimum of 45 units of academic credit. Coursework from other institutions may not be transferred into this program. At present, the program does not require specific courses; candidates design their own course of study within the parameters described in the Biology Coterminal M.S. Handbook.

The program is designed as a terminal degree program. It is not a route into the department's doctoral degree program.

Learning Outcomes

The purpose of the master's program is to further develop knowledge and skills in Biology and to prepare students for a professional career or doctoral studies. This is achieved through completion of courses, in the primary field as well as related areas, and experience with independent work and specialization.